Spring 2025 Call for Proposals (Click Here)
Oregon Conservation & Recreation Fund (OCRF) supports projects that help implement the Oregon Conservation Strategy and connect people with the outdoors.
Your support for conserving wildlife, habitat, and connecting people with nature shows that Oregonians care about preserving the wildlife and natural spaces that make Oregon so special.
We are a broad and diverse coalition of organizations, businesses, and wildlife and recreation enthusiasts empowering Oregonians to provide a future where native wildlife thrive in healthy habitats across Oregon.
OCRF is a new way for people to support projects that protect wildlife, habitat, and recreation. Your contribution is vital to ensure Oregon has a long and healthy future.
This fund creates new opportunities for wildlife watching, urban conservation, community science, and other outdoor recreation…not to mention sustaining a future for fish, wildlife and habitat.
OCRF is committed to actively working towards equity, and practicing inclusion in all of our decisions and funding.
Adventures Without Limits ‣ American Whitewater ‣ Association of Northwest Steelheaders ‣ Association of Oregon Recyclers ‣ Audubon Society of Lincoln City ‣ Backcountry Hunters & Anglers ‣ Bend Outdoor Worx ‣ Blue Mountains Forest Partnership ‣ Central Oregon Land Watch ‣ Coalition of Oregon Land Trusts ‣ Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation ‣ Defenders of Wildlife ‣ Deschutes Land Trust ‣ Ducks Unlimited ‣ Ecotrust ‣ Environment Oregon ‣ Epilogue LLC ‣ Forest Park Conservancy ‣ Greater Hells Canyon Council ‣ Humane Voters Oregon ‣ Klamath Basin Audubon Society ‣ Metro ‣ Natural Resource Economics ‣ Northwest Guides & Anglers Association ‣ NW Natural ‣ Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association ‣ Oregon Association of Conservation Districts ‣ Oregon Biodiversity Information Center ‣ Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society ‣ Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society ‣ Oregon Coast Alliance ‣ Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife ‣ Oregon Environmental Council ‣ Oregon Hunters Association ‣ Oregon League of Conservation Voters ‣ Oregon Mountain Biking Coalition ‣ Oregon Natural Desert Association ‣ Oregon Outdoor Alliance ‣ Oregon Outdoors Coalition ‣ Oregon Outfitters & Guides Association ‣ Oregon Trails Coalition ‣ Oregon Wild ‣ Oregon Wildlife Foundation ‣ Oregon Zoo ‣ Pacific Forest Trust ‣ PDX Wildlife ‣ Portland Audubon ‣ Portland General Electric ‣ Protect Animal Migration ‣ Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation ‣ Salem Audubon Society ‣ Sandy River Watershed Council ‣ Surfrider Foundation ‣ Sustainable Northwest ‣ The Conservation Angler ‣ The Humane Society of the United States ‣ Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership ‣ Trout Unlimited ‣ Water Watch of Oregon ‣ Wild Earth Guardians ‣ Wildlands Network ‣ Wildwood/Mahonia ‣ Willamette Partnership ‣ Willamette Riverkeeper

Strategy Habitats are habitats of conservation concern within Oregon that provide important benefits to Strategy Species. There are 11 Strategy Habitats within the Oregon Conservation Strategy, designated by ecoregion.

Outdoor Recreation
This Fund connects youth, families, diverse and underserved communities to the outdoors, invests in science and research, and restores healthy ecosystems to benefit Oregon’s fish and wildlife and improve the health of our environment for future generations.
Strategy Species are defined as having small or declining populations, are at-risk, and/or are of management concern. Oregon’s Wildlife Strategy Species include 58 birds and 29 mammals.

Fish & Marine Life
A sustaining marine life means that Oregon’s water bound inhabitants are healthy and able to survive their natural habitat through changes over time. The Oregon Strategy Species include 17 amphibians, 5 reptiles, 60 fish, 62 invertebrates, and 63 plants and algae.
Help make a future that belongs to all
You can become a conservationist today by donating to the Oregon Conservation & Recreation Fund. Support a future that truly belong to all Oregonians.

Ask us anything…

“House Bill 2829 (the Oregon Conservation & Recreation Fund) expands outdoor recreation opportunities,
invests in science and research to increase our understanding of the natural world, and restores healthy ecosystems to benefit Oregon’s fish and wildlife and improve the health of our environment for future generations.”